• 摘要: 命名绑定是在形式系统中的核心概念之一。至于简单性和直观性,现有的命名绑定技术有其优缺点。通过建模语言HyperLMNtal将一种基于超图重写的命名绑定技术应用于具有子类型和结构类型的多态性λ-演算(或System FKG-*4 

    Abstract: Name binding is one of the core concepts in formal systems. As for simplicity and intuitiveness, existing name binding techniques have their advantages and disadvantages. In this paper, a name binding technique based on hypergraph rewriting is applied to the modeling of the type checking and callbyvalue reduction of polymorphic λcalculus with subtypes and records (or System FKG-*4 

